When you copy or share Malayalam text to other apps, it might look as square characters if you don't have unicode font in your device. But it will show correctly if the target device/app has the unicode font. You can test it by sending a sample text from the app to your email and view email on desktop.
All credit goes to Varamozhi Team for making such a great tool.
Please visit varamozhi.sourceforge.net for more details.
You can now use this app as a direct input method (keyboard)
Step 1. Enable keyboard from Home -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 2. Long press on any input box, touch Input method and select Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 3. As you type, you can see transliterated Malayalam text on top of the keyboard.
Step 4. Touch Malayalam text to replace Manglish text in the input box (You might see only squares if you don't have Malayalam font or text without complex layout, but target device will show text correctly if it supports complex layout and font)
Step 5. Touch again to replace Malayalam with Manglish in the input box
Step 1. Enable keyboard from Home -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 2. Long press on any input box, touch Input method and select Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 3. As you type, you can see transliterated Malayalam text on top of the keyboard.
Step 4. Touch Malayalam text to replace Manglish text in the input box (You might see only squares if you don't have Malayalam font or text without complex layout, but target device will show text correctly if it supports complex layout and font)
Step 5. Touch again to replace Malayalam with Manglish in the input box